Food Security & Corruption Risks
The climate crisis is currently affecting food prices, with the biggest impact on the most vulnerable populations. Practitioners and researchers are working hand-in-hand at the African Market Observatory at the University of Johannesburg to ease these impacts and improve food security. To learn more about the broader topic of corruption and commerce, explore this GI ACE project.
Curbing Corruption in Public Procurement – A GI ACE Story
This GI ACE project, led by Liz Dávid-Barrett and Mihály Fazekas, uses large datasets to develop practical tools to hold governments and funders to account. The project worked closely with the Integrity Commission of Jamaica, the Ugandan Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Authority, and Africa Freedom of Information Centre to develop the Opentender Uganda and Opentender Jamaica tools.
Learning from COVID: Gender, Corruption, and Small-Scale Cross-Border Trade in East Africa
This GI ACE project, led by Jacqueline Klopp, explores how COVID-19 has impacted small-scale traders in East Africa and the resiliency of corruption at the border.
The project worked with civil society in Kenya, including the Busara Center for Behavioral Economics, and Sauti East Africa, to conduct focus groups among small-scale female traders, to share their experiences and improve corruption monitoring and reporting.
Recognizing Local Leaders as an Anti-Corruption Strategy
Mark Buntaine’s team worked together with local leaders in Ugandan public forestry officials to foster integrity and promote good governance. Working alongside stakeholders in Transparency International Uganda, watch this short film for a deeper understanding of the impact of this project and what research findings can tell us about the future of integrity-building in the civil service.
COVID,-19 small-scale trade & border corruption in East Africa
Crossing borders is a strategy used by many vulnerable populations in an age of inequality and climate crisis. Borders are governed by complex rules and bureaucracy that present ample opportunities for corruption, producing hardship and rights abuses that often have significant gender dimensions. While small-scale, cross-border trade is critically important to livelihoods and food security in East Africa, but bribes, harassment and violence remain a serious problem.
The Kleptocracy Problem
This project aims to investigate the laundering of monies and reputations by elites from African and Central Asian kleptocracies by looking at the due diligence requirements in the banking, real estate, charitable and public relations sectors.
The Story of a Zambian Market: Practicing integrity in planning
This real-life case study of a Zambian planner illustrates the power of professional integrity in ensuring fair and equitable cities for all.
Building Momentum for Urban Integrity: City planners as hidden champions
This is the second of the three-part video series based on the Cities of Integrity working paper ‘Leveraging the role of the urban planning profession for one of the central policy challenges of our times’.
Tackling Urban Corruption: A fresh take on a persistent problem
This animation is one of a three-part series based on the Cities of Integrity working paper ‘Leveraging the role of the urban planning profession for one of the central policy challenges of our times’.