Jan-Hinrik Meyer-Sahling is a professor of political science at University of Nottingham. His research concentrates on executive politics and the transformation of governance in Europe. He holds a PhD from the London School of Economics and was a Max Weber Fellow and a Fernand Braudel Senior Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence. Meyer-Sahling has been the author of OECD-SIGMA Reports on civil service professionalisation in Central and Eastern Europe and in the Western Balkans.   Kim Sass Mikkelsen is an associate professor of politics and public administration in the Department of Social Science and Business at Roskilde University. His research focuses on public sector human resource management, government ethics, and social science research methods. He holds a PhD in political science from Aarhus University. He has co-authored numerous reports and briefs on government HRM and ethics, for among others ReSPA, DFID, and national governments.